In case you missed it, our first issue of In Good Company features the outstanding efforts of Tender Greens, Chemical Guys, Change 4 Children’s, chef Brooke Williamson, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to serve the community in response to COVID19. Read more about us in the new In Good Company Issue.
Theo’s Story
When you are a second time parent, you suspect you can be a bit more laid back than with your first child; at least I did. I wasn’t prepared for what happened when my son was six weeks old. I was sleep deprived, recovering from having a baby, tending to my 3 year old as…
Eli Blog
My name is Eli Kreshek. I am a senior in high school, anxiously waiting to find out where I will be spending my next four years. Before I got to this point, I suffered from terrible back pain. Around the age of 15, I started to feel terrible pains in my lower back. As an…
A Special Donor Story
It’s amazing when we receive a donation from anyone. We are always grateful and excited that a donor chose to support The Change 4 Children’s Foundation. Today, we had an extra special donation. A friend we have known for years asked me over to collect her donation. She had tears in her eyes when she…
Thankful for CHLA
When I was a baby, there were a lot of times when I couldn’t breathe and had to go to the hospital. It was really scary for me and for my family. None of the doctors in the other hospitals or the specialists they sent me to could figure out why it was happening. Finally,…
KTLA Feature
Thanks KTLA for spreading awareness: