As you may already know, The Change 4 Children’s Foundation is a non-profit organization that distributes coin jars and virtual/electronic “jars” to collect money for the benefit of Innovation Programs and Child Life Services at children’s hospitals across the country. We ask people to take a jar, fill it up and change a life®.

For the past few years we have had numerous schools participate in what we have called our “School Challenge.” They have picked a specific month of the year (e.g., September to coincide with childhood cancer month or March to coincide with a Make March Matter campaign) to participate. We supplied the physical jars into which change and dollars can be deposited and set up the virtual/electronic “jars”. We assist the school on education, publicity and facilitating check-out and check-in of the jars. At the end of the given campaign period, some schools have given awards to the grade or class that raised the most money.

Businesses have also participated in their own challenge. Usually their campaign periods extended over a few months. We typically provided them with jars that they distributed around their premises. Some have also put “virtual jars” on their website and social media. They then encouraged employees, vendors and customers to donate. We work with the company on education, publicity and facilitating check-out and check-in of the jars.
In both instances, we work with the applicable hospital to ensure that as many funds as possible are donated directly to the specific area of the hospital that the campaign was intended to support. We then report back on the results.
If your school or business is interested in learning more about a campaign, please contact us at